The D-Drops System

8 min readJun 2, 2021


Take a peek in how D-Drops is structured and will be build.

System Overview

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Once a user initiates a transaction it effectively adds BNB to the smart contract’s wallet and executes the code of the smart contract. A BNB transaction to the smart contract triggers the smart contract to add DOP tokens to the sender’s account. Furthermore, it takes the required 5 percent from the total purchase sum to add to the fund wallet. Which in turn divides it into four chests. When a claim transaction is sent to the smart contract it burns the number of DOP tokens send with the transaction and then proceeds to the validation of the request. If the request is valid, it awards the sender with the treasure but if the request is invalid an error message is sent to the app. The flow chart of the process can be found in the figure below. Note that in the event of an invalid claim request the tokens used to make the request are burned and not refunded to the user. This is mainly to prevent cyberattacks such as exhaustive search and Sybil attacks. In the event of a successful claim request, the content of the treasure chest is sent to the wallet of the user.

Tokenomics Distribution

The Tokenomics are set up to create a sustainable project for the long run. The initial offering i.e., the seed round where 20% of the maximum total supply will be sold will have a much more preferable rate than the VC and public round. During the seed round, the remaining 80% of the tokens will be locked for six months in designated wallets. There will be a vesting period of at least 6 months for the public sale tokens to ensure a smooth increase in the circulating supply. The team will hold 15% of the tokens which will have a lock period of 6 months and a vesting period of 1 year.

Partnership tokens will be used to scale and promote the project by collaborating with big brands and implementing new tech solutions to improve the user experience of D-Drops. The events wallet will be used as a price for special events, such as a “New Year’s Hunt” or “Christmas Adventure Chests”.

Tokenomics Mechanisms

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The main goal when designing the Tokenomics of D-Drops was to create a link between trading activity and the rate of treasure drops as well as an overtime increase in the price of the DOP token thus an ever increase in treasure value. The exact process is described below.

When tokens are purchased 5 percent of the total purchase sum is sent to the prize wallet. The prize wallet is used to fill the treasure chests. As tokens are burned during the claiming process of a treasure this decreases the total supply of the tokens which in turn increases in the price of the token over time. Since there is a percent contribution to the treasure wallet as well as a percentage cap, a more expensive token results in a more valuable content of the treasure chests. This process is visualized in the flow chart above.


For every treasure found an amount of DOP token equal to 10% of the total treasure value is needed to claim the treasure. Since the tokens used to claim treasures are burned this will result in a DOP burn of 10% of the total treasure value per treasure found. Furthermore, as the treasure value cap is a function of the token price this results in a constant amount of token burn per treasure type, see below.

Type A: 10% is 0.1*100*DOP = 10 DOP
Type B: 10% is 0.1*1000*DOP = 100 DOP
Type C: 10% is 0.1*10,000*DOP = 1000 DOP
Type D: 10% is 0.1*100,000*DOP = 10,000 DOP

Given the above scheme, the linear correlation is clear between the burn rate of tokens and the treasure find frequency (TFF) meaning that if there is an 𝑥 amount of treasure found there will be an 𝑥 ∗ 𝑏 number of tokens burned with 𝑏 being some as of yet undetermined constant. Assuming the TFF depends only on the hunting activity (amount of people hunting for treasures) the burn rate of DOP tokens will entirely depend on the rate of increase of treasure hunt activity and thus on the overall growth of the community. So, a linear growth of the community results in a linear decline of the total amount of token supply while an exponential growth of the community will result in an exponential decline of the total token supply i.e. there is a one-to-one correlation in the growth of the community and scarcity of the DOP token. Once 50% of the total supply is burned the burning process will change into an airdropping process meaning that instead of effectively destroying the tokens, the tokens will be distributed among the holders.

The Treasures

D-Drops treasures will contain BNB, DOP and unique NFT’s

The prize wallet is used to fill the treasure chests. There are four different types of chests named common, frequent, rare, and exotic. In general, it can be assumed that the rarer the chest the more valuable the content of the chest (this rule of thumb is subject to change when users themselves will be able to drop treasures). From the 5 percent contribution, 40 percent is used to fill the common chest, and 30, 20, and 10 percent are used to fill the frequent, rare, and exotic chests respectively. Furthermore, each chest has a different cap on how much crypto assets it can contain. The exact cap is organized as x100 DOP, x1,000 DOP, x10,000 DOP and x100,000 DOP for the common, frequent, rare, and exotic chest type respectively. Even though the value of the chest is determined using the value of the DOP token that does not necessarily mean that the content consists only of DOP tokens. The content can vary from all kinds of tokens and digital currencies to NFT’s; however the max value of the chest is determined using the market price of the DOP token.

Treasure Locations — a hack proof system

A valuable piece of information that the app needs to have is of course the exact location of the treasure. It has been mentioned before that this information is stored inside the smart contract and there is no way for anyone to get to it other than the smart contract providing you with the information given you meet certain criteria like being in the vicinity of the treasure location.

There is no problem with sending the approximate location of the treasures to D- Dapp because that’s all it is, it is an approximate location and if one wants to know the exact location it is necessary to go to the approximate location and search for the treasure which is the whole purpose of this project. But how can D-Dapp know when a treasure is found if it only knows the approximate location of a treasure. If that is all the information to work with D-Dapp would have to decide when a treasure is found just by checking if the user is in the approximate location of the treasure which is known to everybody. This would mean that all one has to do to find the treasure would be to go to the approximate location and send a claim request. Which will result in a first come first serve system and would defeat the whole purpose of the project which is meant to have users go on an adventure to searching for treasures and not simply collecting them at the specified location.

If the exact location of the treasures is sent to D-Dapp it is susceptible to cyberattacks. Among other things, one could program a script to send the coordinates of each point within the approximate location of the treasure and have it finds the treasure in a matter of minutes.

AR masking of the treasures will make sure that no AI algorithm can farm treasures

In order to prevent cyberattacks and still make it possible for users to find the treasures, the exact location of the treasures is sent to D-Dapp in a masked form. This masked form is designed in such a way that it will be easy for a human to recognize it but impossible for an AI. Not even D- Dapp itself will be able to recognize the exact location of the treasure.

The way this is done is by hiding the location of the treasure within the virtual landscape D-Dapp will know how to construct the landscape but will not be able to tell what a treasure and whatnot is. A human on the other hand will be able to recognize the treasure as such just by looking at it. A human will know how a treasure chest looks like and thus when found will be able to walk to the treasure chest and send a claim request to claim the treasure. An AI, on the other hand, has no concept of how a treasure chest looks like and as such will not be able to identify its location.

Furthermore, as mentioned before a claim request requires DOP tokens which regardless of whether the claim is approved or not will be immediately burned by the smart contract. This makes it for the cyber attacker unfeasible to try and use exhaustive search to find the treasure because the only way to know if a treasure is located at a certain location is by sending a claim request. On average it would take up to 10𝑒6 tries to find the location of the treasure by the exhaustive search method and since every claim request requires tokens that would mean that the cyber attacker will lose:
𝑥 ∗ 10𝑒6 times the token price which can go into millions of dollars depending on the DOP value at the moment.

The D-DApp

D-Dapp is the D-Drops app and can be used for the following purposes:

  • Identify areas where treasures are hidden.
  • Read the treasure code of the found treasure and save it in your code list — View treasure collection
  • Claim treasures

D-Dapp uses a maps API to show the location of the treasures. The approximate location (±500m) of the common and frequent and rare (±1km) treasures are shown by default. The exotic treasures are only shown when the users are within 1.5km of the approximate location of the treasure.


In order to be able to claim a treasure you need to meet the following requirements:

  • Have a valid treasure code for the specific treasure you are trying to claim
  • You currently need to own at least the minimum amount of DOP tokens required by your registered rank.

More information and the upcoming Presale

D-Drops will be organizing a Public Sale for the DOP token on June 18th. For more information about the Presale and Project we advise you to visit our Website, read our Documentation, and Whitepaper.



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Written by D-Drops

D-Drops — A new layer of the physical world filled with treasures and unique NFT’s. — secure and fully decentralized Geo-located drops.

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